Page name: X-Men Kitchen 3rd [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-06-10 00:30:34
Last author: The Black Goat
Owner: Veltzeh
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The kitchen on the third floor of the mansion is smaller and far more utilitarian than its counterpart on the first floor; its color scheme and decor is a little more modern in style. The walls and floor are tiled in analgous neutral greys and white for easy clean-up, and the room possesses all of the appropriate amenities, including stainless steel appliances, cabinets, painted a medium grey, and coordinating white-grey-and-black flecked Corian countertops. A few feet from the deep double sink stands a sizable side-by-side refrigerator set back into the wall, fit for supplying the students on the upper floors a space to keep their groceries. Across the room is a pantry, equal in its size for accommodation of dry goods. Over the sink and the length of counter extending on either side is a row of wood-framed windows that allow a lovely view of the pool, garden and wooded area beyond the immediate backyard of the estate. A table, large enough to fit eight people comfortably, sits just off center in the kitchen, though there are a couple extra chairs pushed out of the way and against the wall if they are needed.

X-Men Time

Monday, May 25th

Perched with only half of her butt on one of the chairs in the middle of the kitchen, a disheveled-looking Valerie sat in an uncharacteristic wide-legged manner while leaning forward onto the top of the table, holding a frozen bag of peas against the bottom half of her face. She stared wide-eyed and at nothing in particular, and with her free hand she idly toyed with the drinking straw sticking-out of a tall glass of orange juice. 'How are you feeling?' she eventually directed to Faro, pulling the peas away from her face to carefully form the words, or at least as well as her swollen, split bottom lip would allow her.

Faro was sporting her own swollen lip as well as a black eye. "Still trying to get the taste of ass out of my mouth," she said with a puffy smile. She reached a hand across the table to Val as her face adopted a more sombre visage. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I can barely remember what happened after we put the film on."

Lifting the uninjured half of her mouth in a smile, Valerie set the bag of peas on the table and patted the top of Faro's hand with her icy-cold palm. 'Happens,' she said dismissively, giving a one-shouldered shrug. She said nothing else on the subject, as she didn't want to incriminate herself on her past drunken adventures, although it was possible that there were rumors floating around the school in regards to her Christmastime booze binge. 'We can just... take it easy the rest of the night, and stay away from swimming pools and spirits,' she added with a lame little laugh, and winced then gingerly touched her lip.

"That sounds good to me," Faro said with her own pained smile. She knew that she wouldn't be touching alcohol again for a while - she didn't think there'd be much of a hangover on its way, thanks to the Sprites she'd guzzled, but there was no denying it had majorly affected her behaviour.

With her half-cocked smile, Valerie nodded slightly and shifted a little in her seat. 'What are your plans for this week?' she suddenly inquired, her usually bright tone dampened a bit by the minor injury to her mouth, figuring that it wouldn't hurt to change the subject. 'I mean, like, barring any sudden missions, of course...' the dancer added with a tiny, airy laugh.

"I did half consider going to see my parents in New York but I might skip that," Faro said with a shrug before wincing at a sharp pain in her shoulder. "For now I'm thinking do a bit on some of my assignments and rest up. You really can throw a punch, y'know?"

'Well, you did get a little, you know... rowdy,'Valerie said, bowing her head slightly to look through her lashes at Faro, a half-smile lingering on her lips. 'So, like, The City, New York, right? It doesn't take too long to get down and back. You could totally just hop down for a day,' she said encouragingly after a beat. 'I'd visit my family all of the time, if they lived so close!'

Faro grinned back at her friend before shrugging at her suggestion. "I could, but don't want my mama fussing over me." Her eyes widened at a sudden thought. "Come with me! My family would welcome you with open arms. Not often they get to have a blonde to look over!"

'Ohhh, I wasn't fishing for an invitation!' Valerie said in a good-humored manner, smiling as best she could, her hands help up and out in front of her. 'I mean, I, like, wouldn't say no to a trip into the city. It'll be warmer than the last time I went, anyway.' Pausing she laughed a little bit, then asked, 'Whereabouts do they live? I've only really been to Manhattan for shows and stuff.'

Faro let out a loud, full-gutted laugh. "I didn't consider you were fishing for a second." Her laugh subsided to a giggly smile. "It's what Hollywood like to call The Bronx. Italian-Americans everywhere saying 'Fagettabou'dit'." She pursed her lips and made the stereotypical pinched hand gesture.

Producing something between a charming snort and a laugh at Faro's caricature,Valerie quickly covered her mouth but winced when she put pressure on her sore lip. 'Great, that's all I need to hear in my head when I meet your family.' She shook her head and gave a self-deprecating half-smile. 'It's a date, then. I can drive, if you'd like; just tell me when!' With that, the blonde punctuated her sentence with a sip of lemonade.

Again, Nadine found herself surprised by the presence of other people at a time that she would normally be in bed. Did everyone stay up late here? She’d seen Valerie around, but hadn’t talked too much to the older girl, but it took her a moment to realize that the other girl had been the one from the pool earlier. A slight heat rushed to the girl’s cheeks, still embarrassed for Faro. I probably shouldn’t bring that up. She chided herself as she stepped further into the room and gave the two a shy glance. “Hi..” After her tentative greeting, Nadine then wondered if she was interrupting and being rude, however it was too late to take it back. She made her way to the fridge, feeling like she was intruding despite this being a public space, and began absent mindedly scanning its contents, hoping to see something she could put together quick.

Faro was about to tell Valerie when would be the best day to travel down when Nadine popped in. "If you see any cokes in there," she said to the younger mutant's back, "you mind grabbing me one?" She didn't know the girl, but being a bit older she didn't feel any problems with starting up conversations with the younger kids at the Academy.

As she was waiting for a response from Faro, Valerie put the bag of frozen peas against her fat lip again, even though the package had since started to thaw. With a half wince, half smile, the blonde set the bag back on the table and greeted Nadine after the girl's timid acknowledgement. 'Whatcha up to tonight, Nadine?' Her eyes twinkled with the gentle, lopsided smile the dancer wore upon her face as she glanced over to Faro, then back to the youngest mutant in the room.

There was a few moments, when Faro spoke, in which Nadine had lifted her head to stare at the older girl, blinking with brief incomprehension before it dawned on her that she was indeed being spoken to. “Oh.. no, I mean- I don’t mind. I’ll check.” She ducked back down, embarrassed by the delay in her response and began searching the fridge for the requested item. After a moment she straightened, the can pinched between her middle finger and her thumb, and shut the fridge before bringing it over to Faro, all while giving it an almost suspicious look. Nadine wasn’t quite certain that she wouldn’t cause it to freeze and explode like she had in the past because, while it’d been awhile since she lost control like that, the earlier pool debacle had not helped her confidence. After gingerly setting it down in front of Faro with a smile (really just glad nothing happened to it on the way), she noticed Valerie’s lip and melting, make-shift ice pack. “Ouch, what happened?” The girl asked without thinking, her eyes going wide, then offered an apologetic look. “I just woke up; I guess I missed the party and everything.” She tried not to sound too sad about it, but couldn’t quite manage to keep the self-pitying note from her voice. The girl rebounded quickly though, adding cheerily: “What about you guys?”

At that time the door swung open. "Do you intend to follow me around for the entirety of the day?" Mark complained over his shoulder. The slight annoyance in his voice was only outweighed by the rumble in his stomach. "I was convinced you were a hallucination brought on by sun stroke at first."

Liz followed close behind Mark and chuckled at what she thought was a failed attempt at being annoyed. "Well, you are the only person that radiates enough energy for me to use in order to stay physical without using my own power. So yes, I'll probably follow you forever now. Besides, you are interesting and so far the only person not to freak out at my sudden appearances or slight ghostly see throughness." She stopped suddenly after noticing that the kitchen was full of several people. "Uhh, hi everyone." she said nervously.

Opening the can one-handed, Faro gave Nadine a quick wink in thanks before taking a good slurp of the soda. "Oh, uh, we kinda ended up doing our own thing," she said while giving Val a conspitorial smile. As Mark and Liz came in she raised her can over her head and let out a loud 'WHOOP!' "Looks like the party's coming to us!" She gave Mark a mock serious look. "What brings you to our den, man-thing? Come to take our innocence?"

Fortunately, Faro helped to circumvent the issue of explaining to Nadine exactly why she and Valerie looked a little like they had gotten into a fist fight when the feisty woman suddenly-- and rather bawdily-- changed the subject after Mark and Liz entered the kitchen. It did seem rather strange for the boy to go out of his way to come to the third floor kitchen, but the blonde wouldn't say word one about that, and instead swatted at Faro with her free hand. 'There's a whole summer to have pool parties,' she said placatingly, drawing her eyes from the older mutant to Nadine, and smiled brightly before glancing back in the newcomers' direction. 'Hiya!' she said simply by way of greeting to the ghostly girl.

Nadine, being of the easily unnerved type and consistently worried about offending anyone, was made more than a little uncomfortable by the company of the strange looking boy in the wheelchair and his ghostly tag-along. When she saw them she dropped her eyes, immediately wondering if they thought she’d be staring if she looked, then finding herself in the dilemma of also not wanting to appear rude by not saying hello. The girl lifted her head, gave the pair a not entirely convincing smile and said: “hi” in a voice that may not have been loud enough for them to hear. After this she promptly returned her attention back to Valerie and Faro, only for her cheeks and ears to turn a bright red at Faro’s teasing. “Oh, yeah, I guess.” She replied half-heartedly to Valerie, still trying to sort out what exactly Faro meant by what she said to Mark and unable to discern if it was mean or not. She was saved by the sudden vibration of her back pocket, only to discover that it was her brother calling her. The girl stiffened, bit her lip, and thought about answering before realizing it was already after her bed time- which meant she should be asleep and not answering the phone. Nervously and guiltily she set her phone on mute and slid it back into her pocket, feeling as if he’d somehow know even though she was on the whole other side of the country from him.

"Hmmph, just my luck, an ethereal leach." Mark was not conditioned to respond to such a large crowd, he had honestly just come up here to search the kitchen in peace. He resisted the urge to spin around and leave the room without a word to the three. "Salutations, there was nothing worthwhile in the second floor kitchen, ergo i came to examine what was hidden away up here. Also it appears i have acquired a specter like companion." He approached the fridge and leaned out to pull it open, retrieved a bag of baby carrots from the back. Well it is better than all the processed sugars and trash downstairs. "Entertaining show down by the poolside today." He added to Faro, not as a way to embarrass her, he simply sucked at normal human interactions.

"What do you mean 'leach'?" Asked Liz. "We talked about this earlier when I first explained how I'm able to stay here for much longer than usual thanks to your reactor core, and it didn't seem like you really cared much. So now its an issue?" She knew he didn't like conflict or drama, much less interacting with anyone but she just had to do something to make him squirm. She hadn't been able to tease or mess with someone in such a long time and he made it very easy. "So I guess if I'm such an issue, I'll just go back to my boring little realm and wait another month for my energy to return enough to materialize again on my own." She then bent down near is ear, just close enough for it to be uncomfortable to most people and whispered loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. "Just remember I'll always be near you, and watching you. No matter where you are." She smiled mischievously and quickly faded into nothing. 

Faro kept quiet until Liz had faded out of sight before giggling. "Well, mister, looks like you're gonna have a peeping tom watching you when you shower." She turned to Valerie and added, "That's an ability I wouldn't mind having," before flashing Mark a cheeky wink.

Observing Nadine for a moment, Valerie took a careful sip of her lemonade in the meanwhile. The blonde was unsure quite what to make of the quiet, younger, brown-haired student, but she smiled as best as she could, anyway, when the girl replied then got distracted by her telephone. 'I think I heard people talking about campfires by the lake, ' Val offered in what she hoped was a helpful, encouraging manner. Catching Faro's glance from the corner of her eye, looked sidelong at her friend and shook her head slightly, flicked her eyes in Mark's-- and Liz's former-- direction and shook her head again. 'People get arrested for that, you know,' she commented lightly, trying to look serious, although an amused smile played at the corner of her lips, as if she couldn't quite help it.

Having been preoccupied with her phone, Nadine missed most of the conversation going on around her, but did manage to catch Faro’s ”-a peeping tom watching you when you shower.” Her eyes snapped to the older girl, wide and startled. “What?” She said, not realizing that it had been a joke at first. Luckily for her, Valerie caught her attention, distracting her momentarily from the confusing conversation. “Oh- oh they were?” She replied, looking hopeful again. “Do you think there are people already out there?” There was lingering guilt that she might go hang out with the older kids after curfew, but it wasn’t enough to quell her eagerness to get to experience a real party. After a moment, Nadine paused, wondering if she needed to be invited or if anyone could go. Maybe if Valerie and Faro were going she could just tag along. Of course, it would be rude to ask. If they offered it would be much better. “Are you guys going to go?” She then shyly asked with the hope that Valerie would invite her along if they were.

Mark sighed. "Liz, come back, i was attempting sarcasm." He rolled his eyes from her moody disappearance. He attention turned back to Faro, "Doesnt seem out of character, though a skinny pale guy is much to look at i suppose." He tried some self depreciating humor. "But then again the twilight series made a substantial amount of money."

"Illegal schmillegal," Faro retorted to Valerie. She gave Mark an out-of-character warm smile and tilted her head to one side. "You're not so bad, especially in this madhouse." She then turned her attention to Nadine's question and considered it for a moment. Her eyes lingered on the fat lip she'd given Valerie, and her mind went to the pool fiasco earlier in the day. Still... "We might be persuaded. Just don't let me drink... too much." With that she let out a giggle.

Shaking her head slightly, Valerie rolled her eyes in a joking and exaggerated manner away from Faro upon her response, and toward Mark. She said nothing, however, until Faro replied to Nadine; Val's eyes widened slightly and she gave an airy, somewhat nervous laugh at the older mutant's reply. 'Yeah, I guess we could, like, maybe go down for a little bit,' the blonde said, although she didn't sound entirely convinced, in light of the tussle she'd gotten into not too long ago. Still, Valerie smiled with the good half of her mouth, a wincing little expression, and laughed lightly again. 'Maybe they're playing games or something,' she added, hoping to emphasize something else besides alcohol as entertainment.

Well, that sounded kind of like they would go if she was going, which made Nadine relax a little. The youngest of the girls offered Mark a half-hearted smile at his joke, even though she didn’t really get the reference and wasn’t comfortable with him making fun at himself. Really she just wasn’t sure how to respond to it, feeling bad for him because he was kind of sick and in a wheelchair, so she stayed quiet and hoped the ghost girl wasn’t going to show up again because she had a hard time knowing what to say or not to say around her. She felt guilty for feeling that way, because she knew it wasn’t nice of her to not want to be around people with differences just because they made her uncomfortable, but then again she wasn’t sure she could make herself not feel that way. Brushing all this aside, she bit her lip, then quietly responded: “I’d really like to go, if that’s okay.” and quickly followed it with, “Mark are you going to come too?” so he didn’t feel left out.

Outside, around a fire a night? That sounds so unappealing. But i suppose ill never get to see Dr. McCoys research if i dont gain some trust among these simpletons. Mark tried his best smile, it still came off awkward. "I could enjoy the night air i suppose." He righted his chair as he wondered if Liz was going to reappear.

"Awesome!" Faro said as she slid off the counter stool backwards and gave Val's sensitive behind a light spank. "You're so gonna have to help me pants that Cajun stud. If he's seen the ladies," she paused to give her chest a little shake, "the least he can do is show some sausage." She gave Nadine a wink. "You in?"

'The more, the merrier!' Valerie chirped when Mark replied to Nadine that he'd come along, too. She didn't realized what Faro was doing until it was too late, as her attention was focused on the other two students in the room, and she leapt to her feet and covered the sore spot on her backside with her hands to try and avoid being hit. With one eyebrow quirked, she cast Faro a brief look and repeated the words ...pants the Cajun? under her breath, then almost immediately groaned, 'Ohhhh, Farroooo! Nothing's going to be, like... gained by... and she's just a kid!' she added, even though she wasn't really sure how old Nadine actually was.

Such a crass girl, what pleasure is there in the view of genitalia? Mark swallowed his urge to stare dumbfoundedly at Faro. He faced his chair toward the door choosing to leave last if given the chance. "Well then, ill aim for some fresh air while you ladies are on operation pants dropper."

Nadine was right there with Mark. As soon as the girl realized that Faro was talking about Mr. Chastain, she flushed crimson and her eyes widened dramatically. "You mean- oh! No, we can't, I mean- I can't.." She stuttered, shaking her head back and forth so quickly that it almost undid her bun. Thank goodness that Valerie immediately replied in the negative, even if she referred to Nadine as a kid. I'm not a kid, I'm fifteen now... but compared to them she guessed she kind of was, and if it kept Faro from roping her into her plans to pants Rene- oh gosh what if she does and I see! At that thought she turned an even darker shade of red and it didn't help when Mark chipped in. "No! I'm not!"

Faro put on her best pout for the rest of them. "Spoil sports!" but followed it with a wink. Let them keep guessing as to what she might do. The truth was, she felt far too embarrassed to be anywhere near Rene tonight or even for the next few weeks. It was a miracle she was preparing to show her face at a social gathering in the same day. Who knew how many people down at the lake party had seen her exposed? And despite how revealing her clothing usually was, she'd never shown off that much of herself to even one person. Hiding these thoughts from the rest in the kitchen, she turned and headed out to X-Men Center 3rd.

'Wouldn't, like...' Valerie paused, trying to think of some alternative to continuing the little dispute, '... wouldn't, like, an evening dip in the lake be nice? Maybe some s'mores afterwards?' she finally proposed, but Faro was already heading out of the room. 'And just wrap-up by the fire?' she suggested with a hopeful smile to Nadine and Mark, since they were the only two left in the kitchen. 'See you down there?' the blonde inquired after taking her glass to the dishwasher, and although she didn't really wait for a response, she smiled at the other two students and slipped through the doorway after Faro.

With naught more than an eyeroll Mark joined his new companions as his chair rolled out to X-Men Center 3rd.

Nadine was just grateful that Faro had dropped it and was more than happy to follow the others out of the kitchen to the X-Men Center 3rd.

X-Men Center 3rd

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2004-09-07 [PhoenixSilverDark]: lol.

2004-09-07 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: *soap opera music* stay tuned next week to see if Kaider and Daine make up, will Keaton ever get a life, what will become of the X-mansion!!!!

2004-09-07 [Veltzeh]: XD

2004-09-07 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: were in her should join the party

2004-09-07 [Veltzeh]: He doesn't have a reason to, yet... Maybe Keaton could invite him. Who knows, maybe he's disturbed enough to obey. XD

2004-09-07 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: ohhh, okay!!! *thinks...scrolls up to type*

2004-09-07 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: i'm not trying to make keaton sound pushy, i'm just trying to keep the story rolling...mostly b/c i'm bored

2004-09-08 [PhoenixSilverDark]: lol.

2004-09-08 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: r u on now?

2004-09-08 [PhoenixSilverDark]: oui oui mon ami.

2004-09-08 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: ....yes....???

2004-09-08 [PhoenixSilverDark]: yup. -nods her head-

2004-09-08 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: hehe, tis fun tis fun

2004-09-08 [Veltzeh]: Okay, one more thing... put the telepathic speech in double quotes too, please. XD

2004-09-08 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: AGH!!! grammer can DIE!!!!!!!!!!

2004-09-08 [Sturmi]: if grammar was dead we couldn't talk to each other...

2004-09-08 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: .....i no....*blinks*

2004-09-08 [Veltzeh]: What no?

2004-09-08 [PhoenixSilverDark]: .O

2004-09-10 [Kyromanic]: so sorry I just kinda fell off the planet... I had a reason. my power went off for a few days because of the damned hurricane and I lost internet. But I'm back so all's good...

2004-09-10 [Sturmi]: O.O - it's good to have you back :p

2004-10-16 [NorthLion]: Im back baby!

2004-10-17 [Kyromanic]: umm... Kat is rather clueless... she lived a good portion of her life in the street.-I'll just leave it at that. Laters!

2004-11-25 [Roma]: Goodness, Vel! How are you not overwhelmed with fatigue! What time is it there?!

2004-11-25 [Veltzeh]: Half to three... I am actually kind of tired, might have to go to sleep soon... but as of now, the darn virus sure woke me up!

2004-11-25 [Roma]: Aww - well, it's dinner time here! Back in a bit!

2004-11-25 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: haha!!! i'm in diffrent form, they can't recognize me!!!

2004-11-25 [Roma]: o.O huh?

2004-11-25 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: Dash was in his beast form when he ran into the two of he's in human form...he looks diffrent

2004-11-25 [Veltzeh]: I'm assuming Korvka spoke in Russian up there... Oh and Myetel never saw Dash, he was out cold long before he came. He only saw Fabio.

2004-11-25 [Roma]: Yes - Korvka was speaking Russian.

2004-11-25 [Veltzeh]: Goodie =)

2004-11-25 [Veltzeh]: And she's still speaking Russian, right? XD

2004-11-25 [Roma]: Indeed. Whenever she's talking to you or Vlad, or anyone else that she knows to speak/understand Russian, she speaks it. She's not very good with English.

2004-11-25 [windowframe]: mmm..perhaps it would be good if there was a way for people to distinguish translated Russian from plain English? in teh comics, they surrounded translated speech w/ <hairpins>...

2004-11-25 [Roma]: Alright, that sounds fair. So when they speak in public in Russian, use hairpins? I CAN DO DAT!

2004-11-25 [windowframe]: ^^

2004-11-25 [Veltzeh]: Alrighty =D

2004-12-21 [Veltzeh]: "Student" is spelled with an 'e'... X)

2005-02-09 [Duredhel]: thought Myetel would be somewhat more interested in Daniella

2005-02-09 [Veltzeh]: No, not as of now. He's in a bad mood.

2005-02-09 [Veltzeh]: Besides, he has quite a lot of fun playing around with Korvka at the moment anyway >:D

2005-02-09 [Duredhel]: hahaha yeah XD i meant cuz she's quite the cutie and he's quite the ladiesman

2005-02-09 [Veltzeh]: Er, no he's not =P

2005-02-09 [Duredhel]: hahaha he appears to be XD

2005-02-09 [Veltzeh]: Really, he isn't. o_o What gave you that idea, if I may ask? XD

2005-02-09 [Duredhel]: Flirting with Sofia and Korkva with like... 2 hours of difference XD

2005-02-09 [Veltzeh]: Uh, that was unintentional, and see, he freaked out about it more than enough =P

2005-02-09 [Duredhel]: haha figured XD he was almost victim of a passion crime there, but still :P

2005-02-09 [Veltzeh]: Whoa! XD

2005-02-11 [Roma]: "Playing around" with Korvka? Oh man...don't ever say that around her. She'll freaking kill him.

2005-02-11 [Veltzeh]: Oh no I won't. I just said that because well... WE are playing XD

2005-02-12 [Veltzeh]: Hrm... I'd appreciate it if Daine and Daniela wouldn't seek out Kaider just now, I'm having way too much fun in the other kitchen XD

2005-02-12 [Duredhel]: Aye, no worry, we can stall them a bit, Daniela can ask about the mansion and be utterly annoying.

2005-02-12 [Veltzeh]: Goodie ;-)

2005-02-12 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Awe well darn. =( Lol.

2005-02-12 [Duredhel]: Or we could have them run into someone who might stall them *and* make things interesting.

2005-02-12 [Veltzeh]: Lol, I thought beefcake meant a ridiculously muscly person, not a fat one. XD

2005-02-12 [Roma]: Oh, well here, at least where I'm from, beefcake means "HEY FATTY!"

2005-02-12 [Veltzeh]: Hehe. WordWeb says "A photograph of a muscular man in minimal attire"... >_>

2005-02-12 [Roma]: LOL! Maybe it's just a "town" thing, but here, if someone says "beefcake," you'd better hit them for callig you fat. But then that does make sense, because my friend calls attractive, muscley men beefcakes. I just never paid attention.

2005-02-12 [Veltzeh]: X) Language is a funny thing...

2005-02-12 [Roma]: Tis indeed. And then there's slang, jargon, and other such things like that...o.O

2005-02-12 [Roma]: Woah...did Katherine just jack Vlad's apple?

2005-02-12 [Veltzeh]: Oh yes she did XD

2005-02-12 [The Past]: what? did she? >.< well shes got an excuse, she can't see she did it =P

2005-02-12 [Roma]: I was just wondering, because that's hysterical. XD

2005-02-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: bwhaha! That was very amusing!

2005-02-13 [Roma]: Heck yeah, it was! 10 points are to be awarded to [The Past] immediately! XD

2005-02-13 [The Past]: Yes but is it a good thing to get a high score? =P but thank you either way *bows*

2005-02-13 [Roma]: Yes. It is. 10 points from me is a good thing.

2005-02-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: You know what...I believe either myself or someone else will need to draw this scene for the X-Men Funnies...-smiles-

2005-02-13 [Veltzeh]: Yes! Do that =D

2005-02-13 [Roma]: Lol! That'd work plenty fine for me! The height difference between the two, though...yikes! Vlad's freakishly tall, and Kat ish a short lil one! Lol - more humor.

2005-02-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Lol. Sounds like Daine and Kaider! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA! *ahem* or, in reference to real life: My friend Lisa and our friend Bager! Even when she's wearing freakishly high heels, Bager still has to crouch to place his chin on her head, lol.

2005-02-13 [Roma]: Aww - that's cute. XD

2005-02-13 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Lol. Yeah.

2005-02-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Okay. I drew the scene. I'll try and get it scanned

2005-02-14 [Roma]: Aww! Yay! That's so awesome! *hugglies [PhoenixSilverDark]*

2005-02-14 [The Past]: Can't wait to see it =P But I am still laughing over Vel's pic of Kaider blushing

2005-02-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Lol. Yes, well, I'm overly happy to end the streak of Kaider Funnies. -sniggers-

2005-02-14 [The Past]: Oh, but I enjoyed teasing Kaider with Flame, it's so easy! mwahaha

2005-02-14 [Roma]: Where is the sketch! I'm excited to see it! And yes, that picture was really cute! Poor Kaider, hän gets all the crap!

2005-02-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Lol. It's funny though because Kaider gets embarrassed by even the most innocent gesture, like Daine's hug! Lol. And I can't scan the sketch unless one of my parental units logs me onto their comp: which has the scanner. Heh.

2005-02-14 [Roma]: GAH! No! Beg! Plead! Coerce! >:D

2005-02-14 [The Past]: Yeah but that was much more than an innocent hug...

2005-02-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Indeed. See, Kaider gets embarrassed by everything though, lol.

2005-02-14 [Veltzeh]: Haha, there's been all sort of talking going on while I was asleep... heh heh.

2005-02-14 [Veltzeh]: Hmh, [BobbyRay], you should drag your character through all the areas... there was a group of people you wouldn't have missed in the hall if your character really walked into the kitchen.

2005-02-14 [BobbyRay]: yeah, I was thinking I should've...I'll go back and do that...

2005-02-14 [BobbyRay]: Should've given him the ability to teleport or something.

2005-02-14 [The Past]: See Vel? There's that time zone problem again =P

2005-02-14 [Roma]: Yeah...and I want the picture of Kat jacking Vlad's apple!

2005-02-15 [PhoenixSilverDark]: -sniggers- I'm waiting for my father to get off of his comp. ^_^

2005-02-15 [Roma]: Argh! ( ;) ) I just think it's cool that you did one. Because I've never had anyone try to attempt any of my characters. *ish flattered* Yay for [The Past] for making a funny that forced someone to draw Vlad!

2005-02-15 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Lol. I posted it, by the way: X-men Funnies

2005-02-15 [Roma]: Yay! *runs to go see*

2005-02-15 [Roma]: Ha! *laughs* Nicely done! XD

2005-02-15 [PhoenixSilverDark]: thank you ^_^

2005-02-15 [The Past]: >.< lord, lol, both of my character in the funnies already... this a good start or a bad one? =P

2005-02-15 [Roma]: Good. ;)

2005-03-22 [Sturmi]: Did Sofía an Kat meet before? I don´t remember... O_o

2005-03-22 [Kyromanic]: It's only Kat's second day there... so let's pretend they did ^.^ introductions are stressful.

2005-03-22 [Sturmi]: okay

2005-04-11 [Veltzeh]: Erm... what does Korvka's line mean? XD

2005-04-11 [Roma]: "How can you not be pissed with your hair hanging in your eyes like that?"

2005-04-14 [Snowboarding Hobitz]: Just so Daine knows, Dash responded to her, its just burried in the LONG dialog

2005-04-14 [PhoenixSilverDark]: Lol, no worries, I noticed.

2005-04-18 [Veltzeh]: Does Daine know Russian? If that's the case, she knows what Myetel and Korvka have been blabbing about... not that that was very important. XD

2005-04-18 [PhoenixSilverDark]: No...she doesn't, lol. Just how to sing it. =d

2005-04-18 [Veltzeh]: Lol, okay.

2005-04-29 [Veltzeh]: Hrm yes... Myetel was supposed to go to his room, so he'll go there... and Korvka can have fun with Saturn XD

2005-04-29 [Roma]: Alrighty then. This should prove to be superhotaction. XD

2005-05-17 [Furr]: Goddamn. Gotta be off, until Friday.. bummer.

2005-05-17 [Furr]: Mmh.. Only thing I could think of to do. XD Advise from the Higher Ones: Just get Flain to his bed. That's all he need. No need to disturb Hank, or anyone..

2005-05-17 [The Past]: Ah bedrest, it seems to be part of the cure for anything. =P

2005-05-19 [The Past]: Going to be a bit strange with this situation, mind a touch of powerplay just to get all three of them into the hall? Just saying both of the girls are carrying Flain, otherwise we might pull him in two =P

2005-05-19 [Sturmi]: lol, alright, do it ^_^

2005-08-26 [Veltzeh]: XD

2005-08-26 [Sturmi]: hahahah

2005-08-27 [Roma]: Haha - Bad Sofía! Bad! *smacks nose*

2005-08-27 [Sturmi]: lol ^__^

2009-11-25 [Danboo]: errr whats with the <"quote"> stuff?

2009-11-25 [Roma]: It is explained in my profile. Korvka and Vlad are Russian. They speak Russian. Therefore, anytime you see anything I write contained in < > then you know that, unless your character can understand Russian, they don't know what's going on.

2009-11-26 [Danboo]: oh XD i'm such a lame GM

2009-11-26 [Roma]: <_< Just read up on everyone

2009-11-26 [Danboo]: lol even if i do i wont remember XD, well not right now, i just woke up XD i will during the day, if i'm not busy

2009-11-29 [Duredhel]: poor Vlad, all alone in the kitchen. Hopefully we can get some people in here soon XD

2009-11-29 [Roma]: He's just glad not to hear Korvka yelling anymore. People are on the way, I'm SURE -ahem, ahem-

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: *giggles* The things that Devin is fetching for Vlad are mostly things that should be easily found. Milk and butter in the fridge and Vlad pointed to the cupboard for the flour. Heehee.

2009-11-30 [Duredhel]: Hahhah XD it's hard not to make telepath/psychics into cop-out chars. Let's hope Veltz manages.

2009-11-30 [Duredhel]: Eh XD flisk, I think that's physically impossible, no matter how strongly you hurl it, the weaker material (eg. foam) would be affected first, so the ball might burst, but the door would be unscathed.

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: Have you ever seen a straw driven through a tree after an f4 tornado? Because I have. *shudders*

2009-11-30 [Duredhel]: The straw is significantly more resistant and dense a material than foam or feather, furthermore, it exerts force in a concentrated, minimal area. The wind in the tornado also provides constant force, which is different to the one time burst of throwing or hurling :3.

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: I keep telling myself I will not have another physics discussion online, but it keeps happening. *laughs*

2009-11-30 [Veltzeh]: I like discussing physics! :D I'm also a physicist of some sort (well, as far as university got me without actually getting a degree in physics). I also think that the foam would probably disintegrate before going through wood, though I imagine it might cause skin to tear. But giving the kinetic energy to another object sounds more like a superspeed power, while Devin presumably gets his kinetic energy boost from some extradimensional energy source (like a lot of mutant powers)? I imagine he doesn't really handle the kinetic input but that is rather mostly absorbed by the extraneous dimension, right?

2009-11-30 [Duredhel]: *points* Veltz is the reason why I keep my char's abilities very vague >__>. I figured Devin's power was more of a self-regulating supertrength kind of thing, he augments kinetic energy in the object simply by hurling or giving it a one time burst of it. But what I meant to say has to do with the density of the material. Since momentum deals with both density and acceleration, I just figured an impactor with such low density could not displace enough mass on a door for penetration

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: If you've been hit by a feather pillow, you know that feathers when packed are more dense than you would think. *grins* The feather shafts may be hollow, but when packed together can do some damage.

2009-11-30 [Duredhel]: Get hit by a 2x4 at the same speed after the feathers, lemme know which one hurts more >_>. I just figured it's good to get the physical impossibilities out of the way now, since as it is, it's a stone throw away from piercing concrete walls by throwing blades of grass.

2009-11-30 [Veltzeh]: Yeah. Feather shafts are pretty tough too, so I imagine they could well go through wood. X) I've never seen an actual feather pillow though, just individual feathers.
But I guess now we just need to detail that Devin's powers also work the way that he can give the kinetic energy directly to other objects, but if that object isn't very dense/tough, it'll just disintegrate upon impact or just sear apart right there.

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: Duredhel: That depends on who's doing the hitting. Been hit by both. Got bruised, too. Heehee.

Veltz: Should I add a blurb to Devin's page that says he can put kinetic energy into things as well as exert it directly from his body? (It's a little like Gambit, but different. He can't 'charge' items, I guess.)

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: Oh, question, would Kaider or the other telepaths be able to understand Devin's thoughts as they are in Italian? (Kind of like, his base thoughts are in Italian and he thinks in words most of the time, not pictures. So what would that mean for the telepath?)

2009-11-30 [Veltzeh]: Yep. Would be good to mention the input issue as well and whether it works when he's not channeling energy out. Because if the input dampening works at other times too, he's rather invulnerable (like Maverick's power).

2009-11-30 [Duredhel]: I figure it's more about denoting the limits of the power. I can see him throwing anything that is denser and more resistant than wood, regardless of size, through a wooden door. But a foam ball or a pillow are just ridiculous.

2009-11-30 [Veltzeh]: Well, language makes it harder for telepaths to understand his thoughts, but not impossible. There's an understanding of a concept behind the word and those tend to be similar to most humans. The weirder the culture, the harder it is to understand, though single concepts are always fairly easy to get, unless there's a word that just lacks in some other language. Like snow for example, some people just can't have an idea what the heck it is. X)

2009-11-30 [Flisky]: He can 'channel' the energy into an object if he is in direct contact with that object. Ex: If he throws a baseball with as much force as he can exert, the energy can be put into the ball, causing it to keep moving with the same force until it hits something and transfers the energy again (which will die out) or gradually loses the energy. Devin can also decrease the amount of kinetic thrust an object (or person) has, but only while in direct contact with them. Ex: If he touches an operating jackhammer, he can cause it to not do any damage to the surroundings, however if, say, an object hits him, he can only dampen the kinetic output after it hits him.

How's that? (Does it need changing?)

2009-12-01 [Roma]: Snow? o.o

2009-12-01 [Figgy]: Whaa...? Roma, you lost me with that comment.

2009-12-01 [Roma]: Vel said, "Like snow for example, some people just can't have an idea what the heck it is. X)"

2009-12-01 [Flisky]: We was talking about a language barrier. How some languages wouldn't have a word for 'snow'. ^_^

2009-12-01 [Roma]: I understand that, I'm just wondering what languages wouldn't distinguish a word for snow.

2009-12-01 [Flisky]: An African tribe, for example.

2009-12-01 [Roma]: Ah, yes that makes sense.

2009-12-01 [Figgy]: Haha!

2009-12-01 [Veltzeh]: [Flisky]: Yeah, that sounds good. I assume he can only dampen as much as increase, right? Also the last sentence is a bit weird, I don't get what it means. X)

2009-12-01 [Flisky]: Sorry. Basically, if someone throws something at him, he will feel the hit. He can't stop it until after it's in direct physical contact, which means he's not impervious to force.

2009-12-01 [Veltzeh]: Yep, clear!

2009-12-02 [Roma]: Err, Figgy, Vlad's got the pieces of the chair in his arms as indicated by my post.

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: oops >> *takes away*

2009-12-02 [Flisky]: *giggles* This is why we read everything.

2009-12-02 [Roma]: No problem. Thanks

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: I diiiid read it. The problem is that I didn't comprehend it, heh. Welcome ;)

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: Haha. This made me lol :"Well, at least she apologized."

2009-12-02 [The Past]: Dude, obviously this is a bad time to update, hehe, every time I try to click to do so someone else beats me to it XD

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: Same here, actually. I have some major typos I need to fix >>

2009-12-02 [Duredhel]: holy shit ;O tons of updates, it's like rush hour RPing

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: ;D

2009-12-02 [Flisky]: Heehee

2009-12-02 [The Past]: Damn, missed out again XD *leaves Flame silent in the corner*

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: My bad XP/ GOGOGO!!! Btw, no one is answering Daniela's question hahaha.

2009-12-02 [Duredhel]: XD I'll wait till Thepast posts before I make my post.

2009-12-02 [The Past]: Thank you my darlings <3

2009-12-02 [Roma]: Woot, Vlad is happy.

2009-12-02 [Roma]: And I want to keep posting but its not fair for all those who aren't online. Blast!

2009-12-02 [Flisky]: We have to wait for Veltz, at least. ^_^

2009-12-02 [Roma]: For sure. Kaider would have the best explanation for the Danger Room and probably some choice...feelings at least for Korvka and Flame's presence.

2009-12-02 [Veltzeh]: And now for a wall of text about Kaider and Flame glaring at each other. XD

2009-12-02 [Figgy]: Hehehe, Dur: ""How about we head to this Danger Room thing?" she said as Veltz offered a better explanation on what the thing was"

2009-12-02 [Duredhel]: ohu XD hahahaa, I'll fix it.

2009-12-03 [Roma]: OH no, Korvka is perfectly indifferent to Flame staring at her brother. She just notices it, that's all.

2009-12-12 [Sturmi]: why would Jean use the window instead of the door?

2009-12-13 [Veltzeh]: So I don't have to post through the entire mansion. *cough* >_>
Well, a better explanation is that there are way less obstacles between the window and the ground outside that between the kitchen doors and the mansion entrance.

2009-12-13 [Sturmi]: lol, I accept the 1st explanation. Its just weird because this is the third floor, and lifting a fridge from the ground is not easy. Unless your a super powerful telekinetic mutant, of course.

2009-12-13 [Roma]: It just occurred to me that Korvka should be stocking the fridge with fruits and vegetables. Like...daily, since it doesn't matter if people eat them all. She can just make more.

2009-12-13 [Duredhel]: I just thought of a funny pic idea >__>

2009-12-13 [Roma]: ...oh?

2009-12-13 [Veltzeh]: Buwahaha! :D More funnies!

2009-12-14 [Veltzeh]: I have no idea what a sweet roll is exactly but that's probably not an issue. X)

2009-12-15 [Roma]: Its like a cinnamon roll. I think. Close enough to call, anyway.

2009-12-15 [Figgy]: Hawaiian Sweet Rolls is what I thought of. It's basically a dinner roll, but very sweet.

2009-12-15 [Roma]: ...I want a sweet dinner roll!

2009-12-15 [Veltzeh]: Still clueless. It's the actual and whole food culture that I'm unfamiliar with... The only thing I learned about USA food is that their muffins are obscenely big, small pancakes that I thought were thin pancakes were really thick and that it's really hard to get vegetables (or anything not really fatty) at breakfast. X)

2009-12-16 [Roma]: You know, its funny you mention that Vel, because we bought my bassoon from a Swedish couple who came over to deliver the instrument personally. While they were here, they said the same thing - that American breakfast was far too sweet, so we let them show us their culture. We had toast and cheese for breakfast. Delicious....

2009-12-21 [Roma]: o.O  We alive in here?

2009-12-21 [Flisky]: Just waiting for Veltz...

2009-12-21 [Roma]: Touche... -pokes Veltzeh incessantly-

2009-12-21 [Veltzeh]: Oh... Myetel just doesn't have anything to say.

2009-12-21 [Sturmi]: when is the food fight starting?


2009-12-21 [Roma]: Haha, Korvka would love a food fight. Have an apple, no, a watermelon, etc etc!

2009-12-22 [Veltzeh]: Myetel's still not interfering, so don't wait for me. X)

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